Race Information
The Wingerworth Wobble will be held on Saturday, March 28th 2020 at 10.30am
Predominantly run on footpaths with short road sections. Entries are permitted on the day from 9.15am if the race is not already full. There will be refreshments and a raffle, with prizes begin drawn around 11.45am. Finishing times to be displayed at race headquarters as runners complete the race.
Over 15’s only, race to be held under UKA rules, Run Britain Licence Number 2020-tbc
The race headquarters will be at Deer Park Primary School, New Road, Wingerworth, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S42 6TD. The start is just down from the school at the Lodge Gate Houses, Central Drive and finishes on a footpath in a field opposite the Barley Mow. Please ensure you remain on the footpaths at all times and use the designated stiles during the run. Race marshals will be positioned around the course to direct runners, though it is the runners’ responsibility to ensure it is safe to cross the roads where needed. There will be water stops at halfway and the finish. Any runner who decides to leave mid-race MUST notify a race official /marshal. There will be a 1 hour cut off to complete the course due to First Aid cover. There is no formal parking allocated so please park responsibly and respect residents’ access etc. Refreshments and raffle tickets will be on sale before, during and after the event.
Entry Information
Entry fees:
- £8.00 pre-entry for UKA members, £10 pre-entry if unaffiliated.
- £10.00 on the day for UKA members, £12 on the day if unaffiliated.
Online Information: Run Britain Website
Closing date:
Entries to be received before midnight on Thursday 26th March 2020
Race numbers will not be sent out but collected on race day, please bring your own safety pins to attach your number to the front of your top. Your Race Number must be visible at the Finish line.
For enquiries email: info@wingerworthwobblers.org
For updates visit this website or see our Facebook page @WingerworthWobblers